- our own DIY record label, distribution and more...
Last.fm - our profile at the last.fm server.
MySpace.com - our profile at the myspace.com server.
Guerilla Records - underground record label that coproduced some Do Shaska! CDs.
Polí pět - CD, book and art store in Prague, carrying some Do Shaska! CDs.
Radios.cz - independent online cultural broadcaster.
Black Point music - record label and distribution, carrying some Do Shaska! CDs.
Mufonic Recordinx - ambient, downtempo, experimental label
Dark Entries - muziek magazine
BioSonar Laboratories - experimental music distribution
Ars Macabre - CDs, Schallplatten und Piercing
VisualJockey - ultimate VJ environment powering our video projections. End Of Life product without comparison that lives on thanks to independent developers. Check its
user forum.
MouseCage - pages about building DIY high-resolution controller, ideal for VisualJockey or musical applications, based on parts of old computer mice and home of CPNMouse2MIDI utility, impossible without
CPNMouse drivers, allowing to use multiple independent mice in Windows. Under Construction.